Monday, 20 June 2011

My new hook.

We've been pretty busy over the summer months going to festivals and sorting out the truck, so not much crafty work has gone on. Yesterday however, I was rather bored and decided I wanted to do something. I've been thinking about crocheting a large rag run, but the largest hook I have is only 12mm. I wanted something larger. After rummaging around in the shed, I found something suitable. I think it may be a piece of coppiced hazel, but it was reasonably straight and I decided it would do. So after sawing off a piece, I got to work with my whittling knife, some sandpaper and wax. A couple of hours later, I had my hook. Here are a couple of photos of it with a normal 4mm one, just so you can appreciate how big it actually is.

I shall be making more of these over the winter months, hopefully someone will want to buy one.

I also intent to make some even bigger and maybe some extra large knitting needles too. I think they would look great as decorations when the new knitting tent is up and running.

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